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Harness your occupational health data through analysis and predictive decision-making to prevent workplace injuries.

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Expand your risk identification and decision-making capabilities with the power of BxPulse

Briotix Health’s BxPulse is an occupational health data warehouse that consolidates data across applications and software for predictive decision-making. With BxPulse, you can store and analyze data from across your organization to reduce risks for your workforce and the many direct and indirect costs of workplace injuries.


The system is designed by experts with constant input from the pain points of key users. BxPulse builds the data foundation for analytic insights, advanced data services, and improvements to employee health.

AI Predictive Analytics

Vast Data Storage

Auto Risk Alert System

All-In-One Data Solution

Customizable Dashboard

Multi-Location Management

Store and analyze occupational health data from across your organization

Advanced Data Analysis

BxPulse provides an array of advanced data analytics based on your unique data pipeline.


Data matching and cleansing with mass customization of ingestion pipelines lets you tailor machine-learning solutions for better risk identification, reporting, and claims management needs.

Industry Insights

The OSHA data explorer and pipeline allows you to quickly benchmark your company safety program versus other specific companies in your industry and NAICS codes.


OSHA data can also be combined with proprietary company data to meet specific analytic needs.

BxPulse System Results

Data visualization with BxPulse

Your occupational health data is valuable - but it only pays off if you are using it. BxPulse unlocks your data so that you can lower your injury rates and claims costs.


BxPulse consolidates your many data sources and presents immediate, optimized reports on your key metrics so you can identify data patterns and trends in your workforce health and safety.

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Whitepaper Resource

The Occupational Health and Safety Data Warehouse: An Emerging Employer Business Opportunity

This whitepaper examines the challenges employers encounter in utilizing Occupational Health and Safety data and the opportunities offered by emerging Data Warehouse technology.

Predictive Injury Risk Identification


Key stakeholders are automatically alerted with “PulseChecks” to increased risks in specific regions, facilities, departments, and job roles helping safety personnel get ahead of problems and potentially more severe injuries.

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See BxPulse in action

Schedule a no-commitment demo to see what BxPulse can do for your organization.


Ask questions and understand how this cloud-based software can make your occupational health data actionable for better risk management and improved workplace safety.

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