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MSD Prevention ROI Calculator

This tool uses the information you provide to calculate the estimated cost savings you can expect when implementing our Industrial Sports Medicineâ„¢. This information is based on real-world employer data of the direct and indirect costs of MSDs and the average reduction of MSDs acheived by the Briotix Health Industrial Sports Medicineâ„¢ solution.

How to Calculate your Input Data

Average Number of Annual MSD Recordables

There are multiple ways to find (or accurately estimate) your average annual MSD recordable data:


  • Average of last 3 years

  • Total of last 12 months

  • Estimate based on current trends

Average Treatment
Cost Per MSD

Use your annual treatment cost divided by your annual number of recordables.​


If you do not know your average treatment cost, use the default value. The default value ($30,487) is based on OSHA Safety Pays Estimator direct cost of a single strain injury.

Indirect Cost

Unless you know that your organization is more or less impacted by indirect costs of MSDs than most, we recommend using the average estimate.


  • Conservative estimate: 1x direct costs

  • Average estimate: 2x direct costs

  • High estimate: 4x direct costs

If you would like assistance creating an ROI estimation based on all of your unique organization circumstances, please contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation to see what MSD injury prevention can do for you.

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Prevent MSDs with a comprehensive Industrial Sports Medicineâ„¢solution!

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