Make efficient return-to-work and accommodations decisions with JOBABLE™
If you are looking to enhance your ability to create compliant and accurate job descriptions, target workplace improvements, clarify and comply with employee work restrictions, and identify employee-job mismatches, JOBABLE™ can help.
​Benefits of an Interactive Job Catalog Solution
JOBABLE™ is a job demands categorization platform and organization-wide job descriptions database. This database securely stores your job analysis and employee data.
Combined with powerful search capabilities, data fields, reports, and customization options, ​JOBABLE™ enhances your ability to match jobs with worker abilities, quickly identify ability mismatches in the workplace, find reasonable accommodations options, and expedite the return-to-work process.​​
Document links between job function and tasks
Identify conflicts between work restrictions and essential job functions
Reduce lost time from restrictions and expedite return-to-work timeline
Decrease time spent making critical return-to-work decisions

​Experience the ease of the Job Classifier Report​
​With the Job Classifier Report, making sense of an injured worker's restrictions has never been simpler.
Quickly identify any mismatch between an employee’s restrictions or abilities, and the essential job functions and demands of their daily job tasks.
Compare work restrictions to job demands effortlessly
Identify conflicts between restrictions and essential job functions for improved return to work​​

Don't have accurate Job Analyses on file?
We can help.
Briotix Health is a full service provider of workplace injury prevention solutions. We provide comprehensive job analysis services and work with clients to create and update job analyses.
Whether you have never had a job analysis done before or you have hundreds of jobs on file and in need of updating, we will work with you to capture and use that data to your best advantage for your workers and the company.​​